“ON LINE” aktivnost Bolgarija, 12., 13., in 15. 4.2021
Dne 5. 2. smo se po skoraj enem letu mirovanja projekta partnerji le dobili na Zoom sestanku in se uspeli dogovoriti za izvedbo on-line LTT aktivnosti, ki bi jo sicer izvedli že prejšnje leto v mesecu marcu.
Po koncu prve karantene v letu 2020 smo partnerji zaprosili za enoletno podaljšanje projekta, kar smo v mesecu juniju tudi dobili odobreno, tako da naš projekt zaključujemo 31. 8. 2021.
Dogovor partnerjev je bil na sestanku sledeč- prilagam osnutek dokumenta, ki ga partnerji urejamo.
Date: 12th, 13th, 15th April
Time: 12:00-15:00
Platform: Zoom
Before the meeting we send to Bulgarian team 5 questions about our countries via email, by 14th March. Bulgarian team prepares Kahoot or another quiz (Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Slovenia)
On the first day Bulgarian team is responsible for Zoom
12:00 – Official introduction (Bulgaria)
12:15 – presentation of our schools and Countries (5 minutes each country)
12:40 – dividing students into international groups, explaining the task, helping students with Zoom (everybody)
12:50 – students work in international groups on Zoom; they talk about themselves, get to know each other. One or more teachers supervise each group (do we leave them alone or is it better to have one teacher in each group in case of any problems?) (everybody)
13:30 – lunch break (off line)
14:00 – students answer quiz with questions about our Countries (prepared by Bulgarian team) + some activities prepared by Bulgarian team about their country (Bulgaria)
15:00 closing the day (Bulgaria)
On the second day Bulgarian team is responsible for Zoom
12:00 – Welcome (Bulgaria)
12: 10 – dividing students into international groups, explaining the task, helping students with Zoom (everybody)
12:20 – Famous people: each group gets one topic (singers, actors, sportsmen, scientists, etc) and designs a t-shirt using a shared platform (google form or whiteboard.fi or google jamboard) and the graphic program Krita (?). One or more teachers supervise each group (do we leave them alone or is it better to have one teacher in each group in case of any problems?) (everybody)
13:30 – lunch break (off line)
14:00 – presentation of the projects + some activities prepared by Bulgarian team about their country (Bulgaria)
15:00 – closing the day (Bulgaria)
On the third day Bulgarian team is responsible for Zoom
12:00 – Welcome (Bulgaria)
12:10 – warm up activity: students present objects (music, food, etc) of their country (everybody)
12:40 – presentations about customs and traditions (10 minutes each country) (everybody)
13:30 – lunch break (off line)
14:00 – 15:00 – activities prepared by Bulgarian team + official closing of the online mobility (Bulgaria)
I’ve marked blue partners responsible for the activity and green things we should still decide about.
The next online meeting: 26th March at 17:00 will be organised by Bulgaria.
Bulgaria should send the detailed plan until the 10th March.
Each country should place the presentation about students on eTwinning platform.
S sodelujočimi dekleti smo se že dobili na Zoom povezavi in se domenili o izvedbi LTT on line aktivnosti.
Zapisala Andreja Čeru 15. 2. 2021